
About Mama Grubbs

Hello I'm Candace aka Mama army wife-cook-baker-budding photographer of Mama Grubbs Grub. My husband and I live in Tacoma, Washington we just moved from Kansas, he joined the army in 2009 we both had lived in FL for 24 years!  We also have a fur baby Goosa everyone knows her as my little mascot. She does watch me make dinner she's the inspiration behind the banner i have.

I started this blog just to have somewhere to put all of my dinners i made. Now its bigger than i would ever hope! I've came a long way. I didn't start cooking till i was 21 when we got a house in Cape Coral FL. before that i would help my mom out and watch her in the kitchen. whenever i have a cooking or baking question i always call her. she taught me a bunch of baking techniques. she is also self taught and married young like i did.

My weight loss journey started last year when i was visiting my parents in FL i hadn't weighed myself in about 10 months then i was a 160lbs and for my 5'6 frame that  overweight. i never had a problem with my weight till i turned 19 i was always really tiny but only bc i was always so active when i was in my teens i played lacrosse and surfed so i had no idea! I started by walking every night for 2 months, i lost about 5 pounds doing that. I stepped it up in October 2010 and started going to the gym everyday which helped a lot! i also watch what i eat and my portions (no junk food or fast food and all clean whole foods). i since i started last year i have lost 51 pounds, I'm so happy all of my hard work paid off!  i'm much healthier and much happier i have more energy i feel and look younger too! Eating clean and exercising has worked wonders for me it did take me a while to get used to eating the right way i did a lot of research on the subject read articles online and bought a lot of books about foods and clean eating. 

at Honeydukes 

My Photography

i am complete self taught. i took a class in high school but i was so horrible and i don't remember anything from it. when i started the blog i was using a point and shoot Nikon cool pix my parents gave me i used that up until this year actually my photos were horrible i didn't even think about using natural light and using props. I've only had my canon EOS rebel XT for 4 months now. i have read a lot of literature on food photography and taught myself how to use the camera on manual. now you can see me on foodgawker and tastespotter. i still have much more to learn and developing my technique. right now i have a little set up in my husband's army room in front of the window with a TV dinner tray i got at Walmart with a white trifold poster board behind it. the lens i use is the one it comes with i will be getting a macro one soon. i also use always use a tripod with a clicker. to edit my photos i don't use any fancy photoshop i just use iPhoto its so easy! i didn't want to spend any money on photo editing if i don't even know how to use it lol.

Our cat Goosa also my mascot on my blog header.